Library Team

Elizabethtown Public Library is operated by a committed team of caring people who make a difference by bringing people together to meet the needs of our community and be a catalyst for new interests. We do this by providing resources and assisting people, promoting equal access, and creating a comfortable and inviting environment. Our team of employees and volunteers work to help make dreams come true for all people who use the Library.

In order to make the Library a welcoming and resourceful place, our Team members effort to embrace the FISH mentality. Based on the activity at the Pike Place Fish Market, Stephen Lundin created a work ethic which is easy to adapt and is immediately applicable (check out the book here). The book points out four key areas which, when followed and implemented, create a work environment which is both exciting to be a part of and beneficial to the customer. These areas are:

  • Choose Your Attitude
  • Play
  • Make Their Day
  • Be Present

If these guiding values sound like they make for a positive working environment and you are interested in joining us, check out the Get Involved page for information on volunteer and employment opportunities.

If you want to get to know us more, check out the What We’re Reading section to see some of our top book choices. Remember to check out the Coffee Company and see the Team Member’s featured drink of the month. We encourage you to stop in to visit us and utilize everything the Library has to offer. We are here to help you make your dreams come true!