
The Library Team is made up of volunteers and employees. Each person has an important role in bringing Library services to our community. All positions, volunteer and paid, require a complete application for consideration. Background checks are required to continue service with the Library. Some positions have more requirements, these requirements will be listed along with the post or in a related link. Our goal is to provide the best possible programs and services in a safe and inviting environment.

Thank you for your interest!

Forms may be downloaded and returned to the Library in person, or emailed to LeadTeam@etownpubliclibrary.org.

Volunteer Opportunities

Board Member – The Library Board of Trustees is in place to protect and advance the mission of Elizabethtown Public Library through effective governance. Board members serve for three-year terms which are staggered.  A detailed description, including qualifications for members of the Board of Trustees, may be found by clicking here: 2019 Board-Roles-and-Responsibilities. If you are interested in being contacted for consideration during the next round of nominations, please email a letter of interest, your resume and a biographical statement to nominate@etownpubliclibrary.org.

Bookstore Clerk, Friends of the Library – The Friends of the Library Bookstore is open when the Library is open. If you would like to volunteer in the bookstore during the week, please complete the application and someone will be in touch about scheduling a time for you to work.

Book Sorter & Book Sale Host, Friends of the Library – Lots of work goes into preparing inventory for the bookstore and sorting books for the annual sale. If you like browsing books, have knowledge about popular titles, or simply want to support the Library in a way that works with your schedule, this may be the right spot for you!

Children’s Services Assistant – The Children’s Services Assistant will support the Library mission to children and their families by providing customer service to Library users, preparing for Storytimes and other programming events, coordinating various children’s activities, and more.

Computer Helper – Many people use the Library who have no other access to computers or personal devices. Often times they need help with their projects, setting up email accounts, formatting documents, etc. If you would like to volunteer as a computer helper to work side-by-side with those who need help, please specify that on your application form.

Library Volunteer – The Library has many areas for volunteers to serve. If you would like to be contacted about current needs and are willing to fill in where the Library needs you most, please fill out the first page of the application form.

Youth Services Program Assistant – The Youth Services Program Assistant will help with preparations for youth services planning, coverage of the youth services area during programming and assisting families visiting the youth services Library as they pursue their purpose for visiting the Library.