Upcoming Events
Baby Time Fall Term 2
Enjoy time together with sweet stories, rhymes and songs. A new theme each week will expose these earliest readers to colors, word sounds, faces and shapes. Time to play and socialize with friends […]
Chemistry! A Graphic Novel reading
Join us for a unique reading event with local college student and graphic novel creator, Kyla DeWittie. Kyla will share her graphic novel with everyone, and participants will be able […]
Toddler Time Fall Term 2
Play together with action stories, rhymes, dances and songs. A new theme each week will engage little ones with colors, word sounds, patterns and shapes. Time to play and socialize with friends follows […]
Family Storytime Fall Term 2
Enjoy quality family time with stories, silly songs, and crafts. A new theme each week will entertain preschoolers and develop school readiness skills with vocabulary, colors, numbers, faces and shapes. A […]