Upcoming Events
Chemistry! A Graphic Novel reading
Join us for a unique reading event with local college student and graphic novel creator, Kyla DeWittie. Kyla will share her graphic novel with everyone, and participants will be able […]
Toddler Time Fall Term 2
Play together with action stories, rhymes, dances and songs. A new theme each week will engage little ones with colors, word sounds, patterns and shapes. Time to play and socialize with friends follows […]
Family Storytime Fall Term 2
Enjoy quality family time with stories, silly songs, and crafts. A new theme each week will entertain preschoolers and develop school readiness skills with vocabulary, colors, numbers, faces and shapes. A […]
Fiber Artists
Sit and chat while you work on your current tatting (or other crafty) project and drink your favorite coffee or tea. Enjoy time with other fiber artists in the community! […]